Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Define: Missionary

A missionary is defined by his mission (the suffix ‘-ary’ giving the meaning ‘pertaining to a mission’), so the first question to ask is: what is mission? The famous statement of Jesus “I will build my church” is clearly the foundation of the church. This, dispensationally speaking, is His mission. Any “charge to go and perform a specific service or duty” such as the Great Commission would have its beginnings there. Because it is our privilege and responsibility to perform the Great Commission, our mission is the same as Christ’s. Building the church is as simple as more members being added to it. God does the work in the hearts of people and the Body of Christ does the work of declaring His Word (“and how shall they hear without a preacher?”), which is what brings about salvation (“how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?”). However, just as God works through people, God’s people work through people (“And how shall they preach, except they be sent?”). Therefore, as essential as it is for the Church to go discipling, baptizing, and teaching, it is equally essential for God’s people to be sent. Sending is equal to and part of going. To be involved in mission, whether preaching, sending, supporting, or praying is to be missionary. In the strictest sense of the word, the definition of missionary is “One who is involved in building the Church.”